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Seller Services
Foundations Realty Group
We realize in today’s market, it’s more important than ever to price your home right. We know how to price your property to make sure it sells. If you’re curious about your home’s value in today’s market, fill out the Home Evaluation form and we’ll contact you with a free Comparative Market Analysis.
Foundations Realty Group has years of experience helping people sell their house. We are confident that our agents have the knowledge and expertise to provide results. Selling a home may seem like an overwhelming task. From getting your home ready to list, paperwork to fill out, marketing and showings to schedule, our team of seasoned professionals can make it easy on you.
Foundations Realty Group is able to provide cash offers on most properties that have not yet been listed. We represent nine private equity firms as well as multiple ibuyers and local investors. While most of our cash offers will be a discount on market price, the ease of transaction and convenience are often attractive. Our aim is to provide you with a cash within two business days.

Founded 2011
by Michael Brock
Since 2011, we have adapted to changes in the market, from selling 100’s of REO properties a year to now representing 9 of the largest buyers in the market.

Consistent Growth
when others decline
In the midst of a recession when most brokers were closing their doors, Michael was consistently closing over 100 real estate transactions annually.

Client Happiness
a measure of success
We measure our success by the number of happy clients we help. We’ve learned over the years that when you focus on client happiness, the success follows.

Trusted Agents
well educated
Whether you are buying or selling your home, trust a Foundations Realty Group agent to help guide you through the process.
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